Ryan Cummings

Press Release – Mining is Not an Essential Service

Release Date: May 1, 2020 The document expresses concerns from various organizations about the designation of mining and petroleum as essential services in Guyana during the Covid-19 pandemic. It highlights the potential risks this poses to interior communities, including increased disease transmission and environmental damage. The organizations call for the removal of mining from the […]

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Press Release – Making Wealthy People Wealthier is not an Essential Service

Release Date: May 30, 2020 The document criticizes the Guyana Gold & Diamond Miners Association’s (GGDMA) claim that mining is an essential service, arguing that it primarily benefits a small number of wealthy individuals rather than providing a critical service to all citizens. It highlights the poorly regulated mining industry’s lack of transparency and accountability,

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Press Release – Guyanese Youths Mobilize to Stop Racism

Release Date: March 21, 2021 The document is a press release about the “Make Guyana A Racism Free Zone” campaign, launched by Guyanese youth on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination 20211. The campaign encourages organizations to sign a Pledge Certificate committing to discourage racist behaviors and promote racial harmony2. The pledge

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Press Release – Is Oil & Gas Side-lining Guyana’s Climate Commitments?

Release Date: June 1, 2019 The document discusses the conflict between Guyana’s climate commitments and its burgeoning oil and gas industry. It highlights how the country’s carbon footprint is set to increase dramatically due to oil production, despite its previous leadership in climate action. The text criticizes the government for prioritizing extractive industries over environmental

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Press Release – Guyana Needs Humanitarian Procedures for Venezuelans

Release Date: March 29, 2018 The document is a press release calling for humanitarian procedures for Venezuelans in Guyana. It highlights the influx of Venezuelan migrants, including those of Guyanese origin, due to Venezuela’s economic crisis. The release urges Guyana to adopt policies similar to other South American countries, providing temporary residence and work rights

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Press Release – Guyana Needs to Get Serious about Mercury

Release Date: June 5, 2018 The document discusses the serious health and environmental risks posed by mercury use in Guyana’s gold mining industry. It criticizes the lack of a systematic response to mercury-related health issues among Gold Board workers and the general complacency towards the dangers of mercury exposure. The text calls for comprehensive measures

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Press Release – Guyana Cannot Enjoy EITI Membership on its Own Terms

Release Date: March 2, 2023 The document discusses the temporary suspension of Guyana from the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) due to the government’s non-compliance with the EITI standard. It emphasizes the importance of the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) and the need for democratic decision-making processes within the GYEITI. The document criticizes the Guyanese government for

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Press Release – Good Science Essential But Not a Substitute For Good Policy

Release Date: August 24, 2019 This press release from Policy Forum Guyana dated August 24, 2019, expressing concerns about environmental policies related to mining and river protection in Guyana. It highlights the technical capabilities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and the Guyana Geology & Mines Commission to monitor deforestation and river dredging, but criticizes

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Press Release – GGMC is Institutionally Unfit for Environmental Protection

Release Date: August 3, 2019 This press release from Policy Forum Guyana (PFG) criticizing the Guyana Geology & Mines Commission (GGMC) for its inadequate land restoration efforts and lack of transparency. PFG highlights the superficial approach to restoration by GGMC and calls for a fundamental restructuring of land restoration practices. It suggests reducing GGMC’s role

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Press Release – How Can Oil & Gas Revenues Create the Guyana We All Want – Policy Forum Guyana Launches National Consultation

Release Date: September 3, 2018 The document discusses Policy Forum Guyana’s (PFG) initiative to engage citizens in a national dialogue on the optimal use of impending oil and gas revenues to shape Guyana’s future. The first public meeting used ‘Open Space’ methods to identify key priorities, with infrastructural development, nature protection, and tertiary education improvement

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